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Project management

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Technical practices

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Tools and services

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Project management

Invoicing guidelines

Disclaimer: To be able to work your way through this guide you must be a PM in harvest and have access to Visma Economic (right now for PM + management)

Overall plan:

  1. All hours tracked

Make sure that everyone has filled out their timesheet for the whole month which means min. 30 hours a week througout monday until thursday. Check Timetracking here for more info.

  1. Check all non-billable

When we have verified that all have filled out their timesheets completely she tells to PM to check non-billable hours to ensure nothing have been marked wrong. The filter in harvest is right here Harvest - remember to change to actual month!

  1. Make the invoices

When PM have run through non-billable hours and changed relevant hours to billable let the invoiving begin which means export hours from Harvest to E-conomic as drafts.

  1. Submit the invoices

When everyone has emptied Harvest for all billable hours, we have a final validation of the draft invoices in E-conomic to make sure that each of them has the correct data so we increase the chances of getting paid at the right time.

Make the invoices - detailed guide

  1. Check all your project for hours misplaced like this:

    1.a Go to: and choose the relevant month (normally previous month)

    1.b Check mark ‘Project with balance only’

    1.c Right click on the total amount of hours on the project you want to check and open in another tap

    1.d If some hours need to be moved to another task or project check mark the task(s) and click Action and chose the desired action

  2. When you have checked all your projects in step 1, check with the rest of the PM group if they have checked their hours too. If yes you can proceed to step 3. If not you should wait, as misplaced hours might apear that can affect your project(s)

  3. Right click on ‘Invoice’ for every project your are responsible for creating an invoice for

    3.a Choose how the invoice should look. Most project are detailed, but the project standard will be set - click Review invoice

    3.b Change invoice ID to current month and remember to change Issue Date to the last day in the previous month

    3.c Double check that hourly rate etc. are alright before you press Save invoice (you can always Edit invoice afterwards if needed)

    3.d If it is a new client it is important that you enter the client ID under Manage in Harvest otherwise there is no connection to ecomonic. You can find the number in ecomonic under Kunder

  4. After you have finished your invoices go to: (log-in in 1pw)

    4.a Go to Salg - fakturaer

    4.b Check your invoices made it to economic and have the right info. If need you can edit or attach files here by entering the invoice clicking the pen. If the client is new make sure to include a mail and a contactperson so the right person gets the invoice

    4.c If you figure out your invoice is wrong for some reason press the x and delete

    4.d Go back to harvest: and delete or edit the invoice here to kickstart the integration to economic again

  5. Wait for everyone to finish their invoices - should be no later then two days after the first weekday at work