Behaviour and protocol

Code Code reviews Consulting 101 Feedback Good meetings practices How to facilitate team meetings Inclusive language Values


360 review Continuing education policy Engineering manager career ladder Roles Software engineer progression framework Technical skills sheet

Employee manual

Abtion's pomodoro Employee benefits Internal days & community Intro Parental leave policy Safety and security Schedule, time tracking & calendar Sickness & unplanned absence Travelling Vacation & planned time off Work from anywhere policy

Project management

Technical setup when starting a new project Client discontinuing hosting or sla Converting projects from development to maintenance mode Estimating Go live checklist Handoffs Invoicing guidelines Procedure for traffic Sla


Audio setup Create amazon bucket Database backup setup Gpg signing Pairing setup

Technical practices

Bug triaging Css How and why we do design research Kick off meeting Pair programming Tdd testdriven development Workflow



Tools and services

Access and permissions Purchasing licenses and memberships Sharing sensitive information Stack and services Wordpress

Project management

Clients discontinuing their hosting agreement / SLA

If a client wish to terminate their agreement please follow this step-by-step guide. The client might already have written the termination to our service mail ([email protected]). If this is the case, please make sure the termination happened according to the contract.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Check the client’s contact (g-drive) to find the notice period (standard 3. months)

  2. When you know the notice period send a mail to the client to confirm the termination by xx-date and inform when the last payment will happen. The termination MUST be written. If the termination is based on the client going backrupt or ending the collaboration totally remember to ask if they want an extraction of the code.

    a) Yes they want an extraction - plan this as close to the notice date as possible. Remember to book a developer as they also can close down heroku etc. which Abtion needs to close.

    b) No the client is not interested in an extraction - please book a developer to close down the day the contract is no longer active.

  3. Client overview must be updated here: - Remember to add a comment before you complete the client. If the collaboration is continuing please just change the card that represents the closing part of the solution.

  4. E-conomic must be updated to sent out correct invoices:

    a) If the notice matches a quarter you are lucky. (1. January, 1. April, 1. July, 1. October). Then you just need to wait for the last invoice to be sent. After that you can delete the agreement under Abonnementer in E-conomic.

    b) If the date of the notice is in between two quarters: This is a bit more tricky. You get the notice eg. 16. January. There is three months notice. This means the contract’s last day is 30. April. 1. January the invoice for Q1 is sent (January, February and March). But the client also needs to pay for April. But make sure to delete the client under Abonnementer in e-conomic to prevent having to make a creditnota for May and June. Create a separate invoice for this month (depending on the notice date it can be two months).

  5. Remember to clean up google drive. Archive the client if the collaboration is over.