Behaviour and protocol

Code Code reviews Consulting 101 Feedback Good meetings practices How to facilitate team meetings Inclusive language Values


360 review Continuing education policy Engineering manager career ladder Roles Software engineer progression framework Technical skills sheet

Employee manual

Abtion's pomodoro Employee benefits Internal days & community Intro Parental leave policy Safety and security Schedule, time tracking & calendar Sickness & unplanned absence Travelling Vacation & planned time off Work from anywhere policy

Project management

Technical setup when starting a new project Client discontinuing hosting or sla Converting projects from development to maintenance mode Estimating Estimating project maintenance Go live checklist Handoffs Invoicing guidelines Procedure for traffic


Audio setup Create amazon bucket Database backup setup Gpg signing Pairing setup

Technical practices

Bug triaging Css How and why we do design research Kick off meeting Pair programming Tdd testdriven development Workflow



Tools and services

Access and permissions Purchasing licenses and memberships Sharing sensitive information Stack and services Wordpress

Project management

Client Handoffs

Heroku Handoff

Two weeks prior

  1. Write an email to the internal and the clients PMs to set a date and clarify any expectations around the handoff at the projects end.
  2. Be sure you have a complete README. Including:
    1. Any diagrams
    2. Introductions to noteable inclusions
    3. Known issues
  3. Add a handoff story to Asana with the due date.
  4. Confirm the scope of transfer with the sales team.
    1. It is usual to tranfer all apps/pipelines, but in some cases we may only want to tranfers the production app.
  5. Request the clients Heroku account email.
    1. If they are new to Heroku, be sure to tell them they have to add a credit card in order to be able to complete the transfer.
  6. Request client email address to be used for notifications on addons.

A couple days before

  1. Make sure all related Heroku plugins are pointing at the clients notification email (ex: librato or rollbar alerts)
  2. Have the client create their own environment key/values needed for the app to run. Accounts like these:
    1. AWS
    2. Analytics account
    3. CI/CD account
    4. Database credentials
    5. Mail Service
    6. Mapping service
    7. Pingdom/Alerts
    8. Product management backlog (Asana or Tracker)
    9. SMS/Push service
    10. Scheduler service
  3. Securely transfer the rest of the .env file or anything remaining in 1Password to the client.
  4. Make sure all (paid) PRs are merged/closed and deployed to Heroku.
  5. Double check that any internal accounts used for testing are removed from the Production and Staging databases.

On the day

  1. Remove Abtion emails from the addons and app.
  2. Initiate the transfer by having the new app owner add your email (temporarily) to their Heroku team.
  3. Transfer ownership from the apps settings to their Heroku team.
  4. Finish the transfer by requesting the removal of the account added in step 2..

Github Handoff

Two weeks prior

  1. Write an email to the internal and the clients PMs to set a date and clarify any expectations around the handoff at the projects end.
  2. Be sure you have a complete README. Including:
    1. Any diagrams
    2. Introductions to noteable inclusions
    3. Known Issues
  3. Add a handoff story to Asana with the due date.
  4. Confirm the scope of transfer with the sales team.
    1. It is usual to tranfer just the main branch up to a certain SHA, but in some cases this may differ.
    2. Do they only pay for the code or also a handoff of environment key/values?
  5. Request the clients Github organizations name.
    1. If they are new to Github guide them through the creation.

A couple days before

  1. Ensure all (paid) PRs are merged or closed.
  2. Clean up all old branches.
  3. Ensure that all developers delete any code they have locally.
  4. If the client also paid for transfer of environment key/values, have them create their own. Accounts like these:
    1. AWS
    2. Analytics account
    3. CI/CD account
    4. Database credentials
    5. Mail Service
    6. Mapping service
    7. Pingdom/Alerts
    8. Product management backlog (Asana or Tracker)
    9. SMS/Push service
    10. Scheduler service
  5. Securely transfer the rest of the .env file or anything remaining in 1Password to the client.

On the day

  1. Create a Transfer <REPO_NAME> Github team and add yourself to it.
  2. Remove all other Github teams access.
  3. Transfer the app from the ‘danger zone’ in the repos settings.
    1. The client will receive a confirmation email.
  4. Finish the transfer by requesting removal of the ‘Transfer Team’ from the repo.

Closing up

  1. Remove any extra apps or repos.
    1. If you only tranfered a Github repo, be sure the Heroku app is removed.
    2. If you only tranfered a Heroku app, be sure the Github repo is removed or archived.
  2. Send an email to the clients PM and our PM stating that the app and/or repo has been transferred, include the email they have been transferred to along with the related plugins that will be emailing them.
  3. Close any service account now no longer needed.